Background Screening Solutions for International Professional License Verification

Our research analysts will reach out to the issuing authority of a professional license to validate the date of issue, expiration date, and the name of the candidate appeared for the certification.

Hassle-Free, Quick & Reliable pre-employment background checks!

  • Custom Packages
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • No account set up fee

Get all information you need before hiring a new employee! We offer comprehensive background checks as per your need.

How SecureCheck360
can help?

Our research analysts will reach out to the issuing authority of a professional license to validate the date of issue, expiration date, and the name of the candidate appeared for the certification.

Common Staffing Agency
Background Screening Reports:

⦁ SSN trace and Validation
⦁ Drug Testing
⦁ Identity Check
⦁ Resume Validation
⦁ International Education and Employment
⦁ Criminal Background Check
⦁ Credit History
⦁ Driving Records
⦁ Social Media

Easy Set Up


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with our team so we can better understand your background check needs


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custom reports through your hassle-free online account


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the progress of current and previous cases.

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