Background Screening Solutions for SSN Trace And Validation
A Social Security Number validation is the initial step in a professional background screening and is trustworthy. Through SSN Trace and Validation, we can get addresses, known aliases and other possible names from 10,000+ credit headers and other public sources of information for a specific SSN. This gives us complete, accurate, and critical information of an applicant and helps employers comply with federal employment law.
Hassle-Free, Quick & Reliable pre-employment background checks!
Get all information you need before hiring a new employee! We offer comprehensive background checks as per your need.
How SecureCheck360
can help?
The SSN data is procured from various sources such as credit bureaus, third-party resources, applicant change-of-address submissions, loyalty programs, subscriptions to magazines, telephone directories, online forums, and other resources
This will give known aliases, additional names, present and past addresses the applicant might have used in the last 7 to 10 years, birth date and year
Our analysts dig deeper and complete the story to help the employers to make right hiring decisions
Common Staffing Agency
Background Screening Reports:
⦁ SSN trace and Validation
⦁ Drug Testing
⦁ Identity Check
⦁ Resume Validation
⦁ International Education and Employment
⦁ Criminal Background Check
⦁ Credit History
⦁ Driving Records
⦁ Social Media
Easy Set Up
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with our team so we can better understand your background check needs
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custom reports through your hassle-free online account
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the progress of current and previous cases.